
ASAL Sunflower Oil

A premium cooking companion that brings out the best in your culinary creations. Crafted with care from the finest sunflower seeds, our Sunflower Oil is a symbol of quality and health. Its light, delicate flavor enhances the natural taste of your dishes while maintaining a high smoke point, making it ideal for various cooking methods. Packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, Asal  Sunflower Oil is your go-to choice for a nutritious and delicious cooking experience. Elevate your kitchen adventures with the purity and excellence of Asal  Sunflower Oil, a trusted partner for every kitchen, every day.

imgLic No: 1555558558

ingredients : Refined Sunflower Oil - 99.99% TBHQ (E-319) Anti-oxidant - 00.01%

Nutrition Facts
Energy 900 Kcal*
Total Fat 100 g
Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids 48-73 g**
Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids 20-10 g**
Saturated Fatty Acids 8.1-17.0 g**
Protein 0 g
Fibre 0 g
Sodium 0 g
Vitamin E 30-40 mg
Cholesterol 0 mg